Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where do you eBay?

I came across this mapping tool on Squidoo and thought it would be a fantastic tool for the blog to show where everyone eBays from. So why not add your links and location to the map.

If you are a buyer or a seller on eBay, please add your location, website, and eBay store to the map (remember to include your refid=store code). Please feel free to add this map to your lenses, blogs, myspace page, Facebook page, eBay Blog or About Me page.

Special thanks to JasonE for turning me onto this cool map feature. Click on a red dot to see who it is.

Here are some examples where to place the map:
  • Your blog
  • Your eBay Blog. (I did this for a friend)
  • Your eBay Me Page (I did this for a friend)
  • Your Social Network Pages
You might even create your own map to show where your customers come from and add it to your website, eBay Store or where ever seems right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats pretty cool!