The Ugliest Thing On eBay Contest
We've all seen some pretty bizarre things on eBay over the years but now there is a contest. Now if you find the Ugliest Thing on eBay you can win a prize. Go here for the details.
Traveling from Webstore to Webstore and from Market to Market, Spreading the Good News of Online Selling. I'll talk about eBay Auctions, eBay Stores, Amazon, Yahoo Stores and much more
We've all seen some pretty bizarre things on eBay over the years but now there is a contest. Now if you find the Ugliest Thing on eBay you can win a prize. Go here for the details.
Posted by
Randy Smythe
10/23/2007 07:44:00 AM
Squidoo announced today that they have launched a new promotional tool for eBay sellers called SquidBids. eBay sellers can use their eBay userID or eBay Store name to create a profile on their ebay business. It is a cool little tool and something even the big players on eBay should consider for their business.
I would love to see a SquidBid page for GrapevineHill, InflatableMadness, GothamCityOnline among others. Sellers need to reach out and find customers where they hangout and Squidoo gets tons of traffic. Here is an example of a SquidBid page from eBay Seller FreakNoodles.
Seth Godin does a much better job of explaining SquidBids then I would so here is a link to his blog post.
Combining SquidBids with the Red Door Store campaign that some store sellers have started might give eBay sellers some promotional juice.
Posted by
Randy Smythe
10/06/2007 10:07:00 AM